MLB: Opening Day
“For, lo the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the Earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.” For those who grew up in the state of Michigan and were fans of the Detroit Tigers, those words spoken by the immortal Ernie Harwell was the sign of seasons change, his perfect reciting of “Voice of the Turtle” got fans ready for the start of baseball season.
Baseball is special to so many people for so many different reasons. It's called “America’s Pastime” because its been the constant in our country since its beginning. This is the sport that not just fathers pass down to their sons, grandfathers pass down to their grandsons, it is the unique sport where history and tradition is so much inscribed in its DNA it is impossible to imagine baseball not being passed down through the family tree.
People get excited when football season come back so they can watch grown men play a contact sport so well they apparently forget to stop hitting when they come back home to there “family”… they cant wait for basketball season comes back so they can watch whatever group of friends decide to go to a team and take away the competitiveness of the sport so we end up with predictable finals matchups… people can't wait for hockey season…oh wait they can.
Baseball is different, there is a pageantry to the very first game of the season that no other sport can match, seeing “the boys of summer” back in the ballpark with a renewed sense of hope and optimism all under a shining sun looking down to illuminate the very best that is opening day baseball. That first game brings that constant back to our lives, whats more natural than going to get some peanuts and Cracker Jacks along with a ballpark frank, sitting down with those who mean so much to you, cheering along your team with over 45,000 fans doing the exact same thing and many more tailgating right outside the park.
Getting up during the seventh inning stretch, putting your arms over your pals with singing along to “Take me out to the ballgame,” joining in joyous song to celebrate the game that not only has shaped us but also has helped bring together people from all over the world. What other sport has people on a daily basis get together to sing about the reason we're all there? I’ll wait for your response.
Opening Day is the reset button on the world, people get together to watch these professionals play together to hopefully bring back that title to your city. These teams represent what makes not only Opening Day great but the game itself great. Baseball is called “ Americas Pastime” for a reason, the game represents what we stand for as Americans. Everyone and anyone can play this game whether you be Black, White, Yellow, Pink, Gay, Straight, Male, Female, Big, Small, Dumb or Smart. Just because all of these groups are not currently in the majors doesn't mean they're not trying. If you pay attention you will see headlines of women playing in men's leagues and now with Gay players coming out in other major professional sports, it's only a matter of time before it happens in baseball, and that's a good thing.
Lately people have forgotten what this country is built upon, we are the melting pot of the world, and baseball represents that better than any major athletic institution we have to show for right now. That is why Opening Day is so important. It reminds us who we are and what is right with the world.
In a time on negativity and hate maybe all we need is one day to remember what makes this country so special and what represent America more that baseball? Opening Day is the cleansing of our soul, rebirth into the game we were taught as kids and still makes us fell like kids, any one day that can bring together all these people with different ethnicities, orientations, and beliefs should not only be a holiday, but a National day of remembrance so we don't forget who we are.
Thank you Baseball.
Photo Credit: MLB.